Aftercare Vision, Mission & Objectives
That every young person leaving care has a home and the supports to reach their full potential
To provide holistic approaches, living environments and supports for young people leaving care to enhance their overall sense of well-being and happiness. To support and empower young people to develop their knowledge, life skills and sense of self efficacy to be full active agents in their own lives and their community.
- To provide quality and stable living environments for people leaving care to ensure a continuity of care.
- To create a community where people feel welcome, supported and valued not just as individuals but as an integral part of society.
- To support young person’s connections to the wider community including education, employment and access to a variety of mentors.
- To support young people leaving care in the journey towards independence and independent living. To support young people leaving care to develop the necessary practical, emotional and social skills.
- To view each young person as a whole person (Head, Heart, Hands) with individual needs and to adopt a holistic approach in supporting those needs
- Each young person will be championed to find their own path in life and with compassion encouraged to reflect to develop insight, self-knowledge and resilience to face the many adversities they will encounter.
- To offer the young people ongoing support into the future with continued connection and sense of belonging with the aftercare community.
About Us
Compass Child and Family Services (CLG) is a Charity offering out of home care arrangements for children in the care of the Irish State. Our philosophy of working with children and their families is guided by the principles of Social Pedagogy.
Unit 8A, Convent Hill, Killaloe, Co. Clare, Ireland
Phone Number
+353 (0) 61 622040